My brand-new spanking iPod Touch 2nd Gen which I've owned for about 2 weeks already. GOD This thing is HEAVEN (other than paid apps BOOHOO) It has addictive games, online messaging (PALRINGO BEATS FRING, YOUNG :D), the most awesome portable web browser and... Oh did I forget music? LOL The touch screen is accurate and intuitive and I can say I'm in love with Apple after this *_* SCREW YOU, YOUNG!!
His March blog post exposed me to the existence of the iPod Touch, what I call "An iPhone that doesn't make calls :D" (it's actually ENGRAVED at the back of mine.. LOL) Without that god forsaken blog post, I wouldn't have known nuts about the existence of it, yet he HAD to post it up. After being made giddy by stupid Maxis' continuous iPhone advertisements, I wanted a device that could do the stuff it did. Now the combination of my iPod Touch + Nokia N82 effectively kicks the iPhone's ass soundly. I can have all the great applications WHILE having a kickass camera (you wanted me to downgrade from a 5MP Xenon flash to Apple's 2MP??)
Mine's an 8GB model, the smallest capacity out there. While Young's is probably a bigger one, I HAVE THE SUPERB APPLE IN-EAR HEADPHONES WAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOCK EARBUDS SUCK, DUDE *SHOT* XD
My life is complete.
While Young's is coming to an end when I meet him.
(Please excuse the messy state of my bed in the background, I was happily snoozing at 10am when DHL called me to say they were outside my house with my Apple shipment LOL)
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