Friday, July 10, 2009

Some "jokes", you can never take back

Do you think that being fat and ugly is the biggest sin in the world?

Do you think all of us choose to be this way?

Do you have the self-restraint to keep your damaging opinions and sarcasm to yourself?

Do you know some scars can never heal regardless of time?

Do you not understand that I cannot even bear to look at myself in the mirror?

Do you know how it feels like never hearing anyone call you beautiful in your life?

Do you understand why you can't help falling for the only person to call you "pretty", even if it was just one picture, even if that would amount to homosexuality?

Do you know that churning feeling in a heart, when your friends call you "cute", the exact same friends who taught you that cute is "ugly but adorable"?

Do you know that no matter how much you laugh about it, joke about it, deep down inside, it's crushing to know that you'd never find a partner for life?

Do you know how it feels, when you can't remember the last time your own mother said that you're beautiful?

Do you know that we're great actors, that we can still plaster silly grins on our faces no matter what insults you throw at us?

Do you know that we have feelings, like you do, like every size-zero model does, like the 6 billion people in the world?

1 comment:

  1. in a society where beautiful people get more respect and ugly people are teased and made fun of, I somewhat understand how u feel. Especially since 99Z% of the population in asia are size-zero.

    People make fun of my bust size and peperoni pizza face all the time too... I despise how my dorm mates would run off with my bras while they laugh at how huge they are. I despise how I can never own any cute, colourful bras available for size A only. All mine are like aunty type. Turn down.

    I envy those with jade smooth skin. Flawless girls with good teeth.

    Comparison is so cruel. But hey! We are unique in our own way too!!

    You never fail to amuse me or make me smile when I'm down. Because of that, you will always be my super-beautiful-to-the-bone friend :D
